Bunions are as painful as they are unsightly. At Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists, with offices in Elgin, Schaumburg, Huntley, and the Montclare neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, the board-certified podiatrists offer a variety of nonsurgical and surgical treatments for bunions. Don’t wait to seek treatment for a bunion. Call Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.
A bunion is a deformity that typically affects the joint at the base of the big toe. Two joints make up the big toe: the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) and the phalanx. A bunion develops along the MTP, where it meets the phalanx.
As this bony bump grows, it pushes the big toe toward your four smaller toes. This gradual movement shifts the big toe out of alignment with the foot.
Without treatment, a bunion can cause your big toe to overlap with the rest of your toes. Walking, standing, and even wearing shoes can be painful and uncomfortable.
Bunionettes, which grow on the joint at the base of the pinky toe, can also cause chronic pain and diminish your mobility.
You can generally see a bunion just by examining your feet. You may notice an obvious bump sticking outward. Other signs and symptoms of bunions include:
Once the bunion grows large enough, finding shoes that fit properly can be difficult. Accommodating a bunion typically requires wide-toed shoes that don’t constrict your feet.
Certain deformities, inherited conditions, and injuries increase your risk of developing bunions. If you have a family history of bunions, you’re more likely to have them. Other common risk factors for bunions include:
By squishing your toes together, narrow-fitting shoes — especially high heels — force your toes out of alignment.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that inflames the joints. Having this form of joint inflammation may also raise your risk of bunions.
Before performing treatment, your podiatrist at Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists takes X-rays to determine the extent of the deformity. Common nonsurgical treatments your podiatrist may recommend include:
Severe bunions don’t always respond to nonsurgical treatments. If you have an advanced bunion that continues to limit your mobility, your podiatrist may recommend surgery.
This minimally invasive procedure involves realigning the bones, soft tissues, and nerves to restore your foot function and reduce chronic pain.
To learn more about bunions, call Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists or schedule an appointment online today.
Our team is ready to help you feel your best, one step at a time!