Heel spurs are bony protrusions at the base of your heel. They don’t always cause symptoms, but if you feel pain at every step, contact the podiatric specialists at Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists, with offices in Elgin, Schaumburg, Huntley, and the Montclare neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Call the nearest location to set up an evaluation and treatment for your heel spurs, or use this website to book your appointment online.
Heel spurs develop when calcium deposits build up on the bottom of your heel bone. They develop for a few weeks or months until you notice pain while walking or running.
Heel spurs are usually associated with plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the connective tissue — or plantar fascia — that attaches your heel bone to the ball of your foot.
People who impact their feet, such as those who run or jump regularly, commonly develop heel spurs. When you put excessive strain on the foot muscles and ligaments of the heel bone, the spurs can develop.
You may be more susceptible to heel spurs if you:
Plantar fasciitis causes extreme stretching of the plantar fascia, which also causes stress that can lead to heel spurs.
People with diabetes are also at higher risk of developing heel spurs.
Heel spurs sometimes cause no pain. If you do have discomfort, it may come and go or be chronic.
Often, heel spur pain is most severe first thing in the morning when you stand up after getting out of bed. You may also notice a bony protrusion that’s tender to the touch in the area where you feel pain.
Choose footwear that offers support, and that’s right for your gait. The providers at Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists can help you understand what type of shoe is best for your athletic activities.
If you run or do other high-impact activities, progress gradually so your muscles and connective tissue have time to get accustomed to the activity. Losing a few pounds can help reduce pressure on your heels if you're overweight.
If you notice heel pain starting, rest from aggravating activity and ice the area.
Heel spur pain responds well to over-the-counter pain medications and rest. Your provider at Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists may recommend night splints and physical therapy, too.
Surgery may be an option if you have unbearable, disabling pain that doesn’t respond to more conservative treatments.
Call one of the locations of Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists or use this website to make an appointment online to have your heel spurs evaluated.
Our team is ready to help you feel your best, one step at a time!